How to

How to open a free account.
Go to and respond to the cookie consent popup if you are a first-time visitor.
Click on Sign up from the main menu and then click on sign up again for free account registration.
Choose your option to sign up with Facebook or Google, or email.
Type your email address and password and click on Sign up.
A welcome email with a confirmation request will send to your email address.
Check your inbox and the spam folders in your email and look for a welcome email from JOYYAH.
Open the email and click on confirm your email button to complete your registration.
You can easily customize and complete your profile information at any time.
How to purchase a plan and save money.
Click on plans & pricing from the main menu.
Select your desired plan (the system will give the option to log in automatically if you didn’t log in)
Payment; you are welcome to pay with a credit or debit card. Submit your card information, and you are good to go.
You can simply log in to your account and book your next appointment.